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- About Digestion

Welcome to Firmiana's Cultured Vegetables

- About Digestion

welcome to Firmiana's Cultured Vegetables

Raw Probiotic Sauerkraut hand crafted in Maui

Digestive Dilemmas No More

                                Do you suffer from digestive issues? Are you embarrassed to talk about your bathroom habits? Are you ready for change? If you said yes, To any of these questions then this book is for you. The author shares with you her methods on how she went from severe/ chronic constipation, to now being a “SMOOTH MOVER”.

You are taken on a journey through the fascinating world of digestion, given easy tips on how to address issues like chronic constipation and diarrhea. You will discover many facets on how to have a healthy bowel movement. The methods and recipes that you will learn can be easily applied to anyone. This is an important message that can benefit everyone!

“FIRMIANA’S CULTURED VEGETABLES” are a unique style of sauerkraut with flavors ranging from traditional to tropical. We use organic & local ingredients which provide our flavors to be simply scrumptious and highly supportive for your digestive Health! Our sauerkraut is fermented with a culture starter that contains 4 verities of probiotics and prebiotics. This formula has been specifically designed to support a healthy digestive system. We cut the cabbage into confetti size to help alleviate all of the necessary chewing involved when consuming cabbages. It is said that we must chew 30 times for each bit of food.

The main probiotic strain used to create Firmiana’s sauerkraut is Lactobacillus Plantarum and here is some researched benefits of this outstanding PROBIOTIC.

Improves digestion
Increase your immunity
Enhanced overall health
It produces its own antibiotics that intelligently target bad bacteria.
It makes Lysine, an essential amino acid.
Fights against intestinal pathogens(bacteria or virus that can cause disease)
Decreased flatulence


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. Your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called the “beneficial” bacteria because they help keep you gut (small intestines) healthy. It has been said that to experience Robust Radiant Health, we must have a ratio of 70% good bacteria to 30% bad bacteria. So eating foods that have been fermented with a probiotic culture starter ensures that your gut biome maintains this ratio.


Cultured fermented products, such as yogurt, coconut Kiefer, sour cream or cultured vegetables, rely on the probiotic strains to create the fermentation process therefore ensuring no harmful bacteria, yeast or funguses are present to feed the non beneficial bacterias and fungus. Only good bacteria are able to thrive during the cultured fermentation process. Wild fermentation rely on a tremendous amount of salt and the natural occurring probiotics that are present in the vegetable to create the fermentation process. During this process ,both good and bad bacteria – fungus our present in the end product.


Being an Author of a digestive health book and a once superiorly “finicky eater” the primary intention of Firmiana’s Cultured Vegetables is digestion and Flavor! We use a Culture Starter in our sauerkraut for consistency of flavor and to ensure that no unwanted harmful bacteria, yeasts and fungus are present in the final product. When our bodies digestive system is compromised with issues or disease, eating or drinking fermented foods that are a wild ferment, can feed the bad bacteria and fungus that are most likely helping to cause problems in the first place.
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